Abta call for holiday sickness legal fees cap

Abta is calling on the government to limit the cost of legal fees charged by lawyers when making holiday sickness claims.

Court concept – scales and gavelSHARELINESTwitter Facebook The hope is that a cap would prevent many spurious claims
Following a 500% increase in the amount of claims made since 2013, and with no sign of the growth slowing, the association has made the submission to the ministry of justice to close a loophole allowing legal firm to profit unduly from bogus holiday sickness claims.

The loophole currently means there is no limit on the legal fees that lawyers can charge for overseas personal injury claims up to £25,000.

This has helped drive the growth in the claims, some of which are now being exposed in the courts as fraudulent, and which have occurred even as reported sickness levels in resort have either remained stable or, in many destinations including Spain, have declined.

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