Fraud Prevention Tools

With fraud prevention becoming increasingly costly please find below a selection of free fraud prevention tools available.

Locate an

Useful for:

– Confirms if an individual is at a postal address
– Details other individuals at the postal address
– Gives an age range of individual being searched

How does this help me prevent fraud?

If the customer has access to a stolen or cloned credit card: they are unlikely to be named at the address in question, they are unlikely to know who else lives at the address in question, they will have the name on the card and possible the address, it is unlikely they will have the date of birth. Before the booking is processed base a question on these details.

Locate an overseas

Useful for:

– Locating an individual overseas

How does this help me prevent fraud?

Enables you to confirm the details given by an overseas customer.

Bank identification numbers (BIN) lookup

A BIN is the first 6 digits stated on a credit card from the 16 digit number. The BIN identifies where the credit originates from, what bank the credit card is from and the type of card.

Useful for:

– Identifying the origins of a credit card

How does this help me prevent fraud?

If a customer has provided information that suggests they are based in the UK by checking the BIN you can establish if the origins of the credit card match the other details the customer has provided.

Address lookupGoogle maps Street map Bing maps

Useful for:

– Searching postal addresses

How does this help me prevent fraud?

If you have a booking that you suspect is fraudulent upon contacting the customer ask them a question relating to the postal address given.

User lookupFacebook Myspace Twitter

Useful for: Finding individuals on the internet

How does this help me prevent fraud?

If you are able to locate a customer from the details they have provided during the booking process this will assist you in making a decision on the booking. If you believe the customer has used the services purchased information on the internet may assist you in determining whether this is the case.

Company/Director look upCompany check Director check

Useful for:

– Finding details of a company
– Finding company directors

How does this help me prevent fraud?

If you have found that an individual in a booking is a director of a company, a company/director check will provide you with more information about the individual.

Telephone number lookupFind a UK telephone number Check a UK area code Check an international dialing code Check an international telephone number Check the origins and location of a telephone/mobile number

Useful for:

– Enables you to confirm the telephone number on a booking.
– Enables you to find telephone numbers of your customers.

How does this help me prevent fraud?

If a booking has the customers landline telephone number you can confirm the details of the telephone number. If you suspect a booking to be fraudulent and a landline telephone number has not been given you can contact the telephone number connected to the postal address stated.